Demolition and Construction

Demolition and construction are a crucial process aimed at transforming old, untreated urban areas into advanced areas with a higher quality of life. These projects focus on improving the existing residential buildings and creating a renewed urban environment, including new apartments with rich technical specifications and other benefits, alongside developing public infrastructures such as gardens, parks, playgrounds, and kindergartens.

How does the demolition and construction process work?

As part of the project, the old buildings’ residents voluntarily evict their apartments to temporary alternative residences paid for by the entrepreneurs. After the old buildings are evicted, they are demolished and replaced by new, modern residential buildings. The residents return to new, larger apartments with better accessories, while maintaining their rights and significantly improving their quality of life.

Full legal support of demolition and construction projects

Our firm specializes in supporting dozens of eviction and construction projects across Israel and represents thousands of residents in these projects. Our role is to safeguard the rights of these residents and provide them with comprehensive legal support for the project. We focus on solving all legal complexities from the first initiative to the project’s completion, including amending the condominium order after completing construction and renovation works.

Expertise in achieving optimal value for the residents

Our firm specializes in safeguarding and protecting apartment owners’ rights in complex demolition and construction projects. We know how to ensure optimal value for the residents in such projects. Additionally, we specialize in providing legal and extra-legal solutions to cases of residents refusing to cooperate with the project, finding creative solutions to any challenge.

Trailblazers in the domain of demolition and construction – the Glaser & Co. Law Firm

Our firm views itself as a trailblazer in the domain of demolition and construction, with special expertise in formulating engagement documents and providing legal solutions to the challenges faced by the project. We are obligated to the projects’ success and ensuring the residents’ satisfaction at any stage thereof.

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